Graham Linehan is a British writer (of comedies, plays, television shows) with some outstanding success. Unfortunately for his career, he (years ago) decided to take a stand against ‘gender self-ID’ laws and new gender ideological education of children and the imposition of biological males into women’s spaces (including many hundreds of cases of violent males being housed in women’s prisons). In other words, he crossed the trans activism lobby, the most shrill and extreme group of activists on the planet today.
If Graham was bigoted there might be a case for his cancellation, but he’s not. His offense has nothing to do with negative views about a marginalized group or insults or calls for violence, for he has displayed none of those behaviors. His offense is purely ideological, and THAT is what makes cancel culture so corrosive: it alleges moral crimes, when in reality there are just differences of opinion. There is no opinion-that doesn’t promote violence or a negative view of a group based upon immutable characteristics-which should lead to having one’s career ended or shows cancelled or public image trashed. Conversely, there is no opposition to the unpopular ideas of gender ideology which would be acceptable to the activists who have targeted Graham. This is not about decency or tone or law… it’s about ideas.
Trying to silence someone using these methods is not the behavior of confident and honest activists-it is the strategy of disordered and dishonest ideologues who believe they can impose their vision upon society through stealth and coercion.
But, as often happens, their efforts backfired, and Graham’s platform has been greatly enlarged.
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The attempted erasure of Graham Linehan
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Graham Linehan is a British writer (of comedies, plays, television shows) with some outstanding success. Unfortunately for his career, he (years ago) decided to take a stand against ‘gender self-ID’ laws and new gender ideological education of children and the imposition of biological males into women’s spaces (including many hundreds of cases of violent males being housed in women’s prisons). In other words, he crossed the trans activism lobby, the most shrill and extreme group of activists on the planet today.
If Graham was bigoted there might be a case for his cancellation, but he’s not. His offense has nothing to do with negative views about a marginalized group or insults or calls for violence, for he has displayed none of those behaviors. His offense is purely ideological, and THAT is what makes cancel culture so corrosive: it alleges moral crimes, when in reality there are just differences of opinion. There is no opinion-that doesn’t promote violence or a negative view of a group based upon immutable characteristics-which should lead to having one’s career ended or shows cancelled or public image trashed. Conversely, there is no opposition to the unpopular ideas of gender ideology which would be acceptable to the activists who have targeted Graham. This is not about decency or tone or law… it’s about ideas.
Graham recently had two comedy gigs cancelled in quick succession but he’s suffered personal and financial losses for his views for years now.
Trying to silence someone using these methods is not the behavior of confident and honest activists-it is the strategy of disordered and dishonest ideologues who believe they can impose their vision upon society through stealth and coercion.
But, as often happens, their efforts backfired, and Graham’s platform has been greatly enlarged.