Apr 24Liked by James Mills

The trans nonsense is nothing less than an extension of feminism. It stands on the same ground of denial of biological and natural law and uses a ‘having its cake while eating it’ as the methodology by which it gains influence. It’s not a coincidence that the hr and dei functions in large organisations that push both female entitlement and trans acceptance are staffed with menopausal feminists.

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Sounds like feminism needs to take a post-autistic approach

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Huh? You stupid moids talk like the “femisnisms” is an actual person. It’s mean mommy who won’t let you get a date.

Grow up.

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Lmao it’s a joke, look up French

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Engaging her is pointless, Stephen. All she does is shriek.

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Every measured and earnest question I ask (what are some instances of feminine-type irrationality? What do you see as the flaws of feminism as a movement?) is completely ignored in favor of rank misandry. Men rape women! Men fight wars! I know Kat… women lie about sexual assault in order to boost their own wealth and status but only a fool would indict all women because of that.

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She is arguing against the narrative that feminism is irrational and emotionally reactive and entitled by leaving irrational, emotional, and entitled comments on this piece. We’re playing 4D chess over here 😂

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Apr 25Liked by James Mills

Old baby boomer dude here.

I like women.......like being around the ladies and usually find them a lot more interesting than men BUT for many reasons, some, biological and others cultural (the nature vs nurture thing), I do wonder if they are rational.

Either way, it makes life interesting.

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Yeah, the males who claim to be rational protector providers but then pass laws that make wife-beating and child marriage legal are clearly rational.

Also, starting world wars and then going on stabbing sprees are also clearly rational actions.

In malespeak “rational” means blind rage and violent outbursts when upset. What could be more rational? Clearly, women need to step up the violent crime and mass rage in order to be “rational.”

Btw, you look like you’re 900 years old. Give it fucking rest. Men are irrational and have done nothing but project. Just shut up. Go watch TV and leave women alone because you’re invisible.

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Rational means 'motivated by reason', regardless of who is being spoken of. No one is claiming that all men are rational. Humans are ALL irrational at different times and in different ways.

When you refer to "males who claim to be rational protector providers but then pass laws that make wife-beating and child marriage legal" who are you talking about? I don't know any examples of this.

You're absolutely right-the violence (in every society) is mostly a male phenomenon. There seem to be biological reasons for that, in that it's cross-cultural and throughout history. Men (as a group) are always more aggressive and violent than women. That's not to say that all violence or wars or wife-beating is irrational-it's obviously not. Still, one could say that physical violence is a common form of male irrationality. HOWEVER no one is justifying or trying to excuse "blind rage and violent outbursts" (which are by definition irrational). No one is minimizing stabbing sprees.

Those are some instances of typically masculine irrationality. What are some instances of feminine irrationality in your view?

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RemovedApr 26·edited Apr 26
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Sorry... i removed your comment by accident. That was my mistake and I apologize. It was unintentional.

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I can't take responsibility for what people have said for thousands of years. I haven't been alive that long. I can only account for me own words and beliefs. If you want to discuss those I'm willing.

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I'm still waiting for an instance of "males who claim to be rational protector providers but then pass laws that make wife-beating and child marriage legal". I know you're thinking of some person or group here but I'm not sure which...

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Now I need to give you a history lesson? Why do moids like you think you have some kind of point, and then you demand to be educated when you clearly have no clue what you're talking about?

Do you know that wife-beating and child marriage are endemic all around the world? That under Islamic law, which about 1/5 of the world believes in, it is legal?

Do you know what "paterfamilias" was under Roman empire law? What couverture was under American law? What is legal under the law in Russia?

Why do I have to teach you this? If men are such rational protector-providers, why is this universal? Why do women have to beg and fight for legal protection from men who want to beat them and marry them at 10 years old? This is a major point of feminist legal protection, and don't start crying about how men get attacked by women. That is a lie, and everybody knows it.

This is what I mean. This total lack of connection to reality. It's not my job to teach you world history, religious history, and legal history here.

Go tell the girls in Afghanistan about your grandiose ideas about how men are rational protector providers. They would love to hear it.

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Apr 26Liked by James Mills

My My.

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Name a single state that allows wife beating and marriage before 16, Utah MAY allow marriage before then but there isn't a single state in the country where Domestic Violence is Legal

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In my country, domestic violence is legal, but only against men and boys.

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What country is that?

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by James Mills

Do you want to talk about how India regularly makes world headlines for the disgusting cases of rape that men commit there?

Wtf are you even talking about? You think women are just brutalizing men behind closed doors, and that makes moids like you the real victim?

Men are crazy. You're all literally disconnected from reality. You live in a dream world of video games, porn, and anime where somehow you're always downtrodden even though you're the ones causing the problems.

You're all fucking crazy. India has an extreme imbalance sex ratio because girls are either aborted or thrown out. Sexual violence is rampant and child marriage is a problem.

And males are the real victim? Because nobody wants to fuck you?

Shut up. Go away. Men were a mistake.


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I can't teach stupid males world history and legal history here.

You know nothing. You know nothing about what men do and have done, and it's not my job to teach unfuckable males online who think they're the real victims because they can't get laid.

Get a job.

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"get a job" (clearly has pregnant wife posted in profile picture)

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Okay, please don't beat her up, which is still legal in many countries, under Islamic law, and has been for most of human history.

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It is illegal to beat your wife where I live, it's a serious crime that is a zero tolerance policy

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Apr 24Liked by James Mills

Great stuff.

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“Feminism is literally an operative word for any measure which would help women as a class or individuals and is used to refer to ANY decision that any woman makes to advance her own interests.”

The latter dressed up as empowerment is how we get its form today - the right to feel good about any decision you make no matter how harmful to people or yourself. You cannot be questioned. Whatever you decide is the moral path. You can also destroy other women in the process if they disagree with reputation damage. No one can question the validity of any tenet.

I appreciated how you laid out that it is everything and therefore nothing.

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The denigration of beauty might be the single-worst idea to sprout from contemporary Feminism, specifically because it is a woman's stock in trade; it's not that women's only value to the world is to be beautiful, but that they have a unique connection to (and appreciation for) beauty, which is another way of saying that they embody something transcendent.

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Feminism? Lol!!!!

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LOL “the feminsims are entitled, that’s why I can’t get laid”

Nobody gives af. Go play Call of Duty and shut up.

Yeah, let’s go back to the good ol’ days of chivalry when men had such respect for the roles of women that wife-beating and child marriage were legal.

Morons. Shut up.

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I can get laid. I actually think chivalry is a concept which benefits women. Other than that I'm struggling to make sense of your point here. I never advocated we "go back to the good ol' days". I'm merely trying to understand the ways in which our society might be showing patterns which are making people confused and unhappy.

I imagine YOU also think that our society is going wrong in certain ways... but it's impossible for me to figure out exactly what you believe because you seem to just use insults and broad generalizations. I feel like I'm back on Twitter... Lol.

Studies actually show that women hit their collective happiness 'peak' (subjectively) in the 1970's and that female happiness has been declining since then: https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/Stevenson_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdf

There's a ton of data and it all seems to indicate this. Why do YOU think that might be the case? How do you define feminism and do you think that could be contributing to the trend? Would you not say that society is MORE feminist than it was in 1960? If so, why are women not flourishing, especially relative to men?

It's great to see a woman who doesn't emotionally react and descend into frustration and ad hominem attacks when confronted with social science hypotheses. Your measured tone and carefully-written points are a credit to the entire feminist movement! I'm looking forward to your reply.

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Btw there’s no such thing as “chivalry.”

It doesn’t exist and it never existed. It’s a myth invented by males who are incapable of speaking honestly about the reality of their behavior.

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Not a fan of 11th and 12th century literature I see, otherwise you would know that chivalry was very real as it was a military class of person, the chivalry codes (most famously in relation to how men are to treat women) were codes of conduct that medieval knight was expected to maintain. There's a multitude of books on the topic I'm sure you have a Barnes and Noble around you

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Why are women not flourishing? Huh? And men are? Isn't something you moids cry about all the time about how men are sad now because the feminisms took their rights away?

Check the education rates. Check the sex ratio difference on Tinder and Bumble. Tinder is 76% male. That's what I'm talking about. Most of men's complaints can be boiled down to that--they simply cannot get laid. Men are that simple.

I can't deal with people who don't have a basic grasp of reality. And don't start crying about happiness rates. If there's one thing men have always clearly cared about, it's women's happiness--yes, I can tell. Historically, it really has been the top of what men care about. Women can have jobs now, yes, but the problem is men aren't helping at home in relation to how much they claim they care.

Even men who don't work do less housework than women. These are the men who act surprised when their wives file for divorce after they can't take it anymore.

That's the real problem, and all data indicate this. Datum is the singular form of data, btw.

Women have to file lawsuits to keep men out of girls' bathrooms and out of women's sports. Do not speak to me about measured tones and ad hominems.




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You just can’t consider measured arguments. You called me desperate for male attention, which is misogyny. And this is why I despise feminism - all you’ve done is ad hominem attacks on people who have put out considered points. If you think this is so ridiculous, go do your own longform writing instead of dropping badly written comments on well written essays.

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She kept telling me "just wait until your wife files for a divorce" without knowing that me and my wife got a Covenant Marriage License in Louisiana so we legally waived our ability to have a No Fault Divorce lol

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You don't like the feminisms? Who are you talking about? Where? What is it that you're addressing? It seems like you had a boyfriend once and you think "the feminisms" stands in for whatever fallout you had with him.

Misogyny? Who thought that even exists as a concept?

I'm talking about the male inability to get laid. That drives most of the "feminisms are bad!" that you support.


Hope you get picked, sis.

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