I want to say "Damn you, James," for making me consider that perhaps some of my recent inclinations to not speak on certain topics is out of an abundance of understanding that I am limited in my knowledge on certain topics. "That's not what I'm known for, if I'm known at all," I have reasoned. "This is not my area of expertise."

But I read, A LOT, and I listen to a fair spread of commentary and news from as many sources as possible when a topic catches my attention. I refrain from comment usually because, frankly, someone else, an expert usually in that topic, has already commented, and I don't feel I can contribute further to the discussion.

But now, upon reading your piece, I'm left wondering: 'Am I simply being a coward?'

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I don't think it's ever an absolute 'yes' or 'no'. Surely many people who demur also want to preserve personal relationships, or avoid upsetting others... and those are worthy goals. I tend to believe that only licensed professionals and subject matter experts have a DUTY to participate. All others are ethically free to weigh in, or not.

Participating in these debates really can burden you mental health, or affect your friendships, or distract from your obligations. I know all this and I choose to weigh in anyway, but I try to avoid becoming associated with my views or becoming angry with or dismissive of others. Most importantly: I have considered the risks, and the costs, and I am prepared to bear them. That kind of commitment gives life a purpose and a simplicity that is truly valuable... but I don't think it's for everyone (or even most) and I don't think it SHOULD be. Most people just want to live their lives.

Thanks for your response.

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My pleasure. As I've said in the past, I'm mostly just a dad, husband, and genre fiction storyteller. My only 'expertise' stems from years in martial arts, watching and analyzing football, and the art of narrative. Everything else? I'm functional, at best.

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Another, usually unmentioned, aspect of this particular perversion is that breastfeeding not is an issue of milk, but of bonding, and a particular type of bonding. And it is NOT GOOD that a man would be involved in that kind of bonding.

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