Here are 56 predictions for the next 5 years.
Themes: a weakening managerial elite status quo; the erosion of publishing and entertainment and traditional media; the emergence of alternative institutions; the intentional sabotage of Trump (thereby sabotaging the welfare of the United States) by a system determined to bring him down and forestall a lasting Vance/Gabbard/Ramaswamy regime; investigations and recriminations of/for the policy failures of the past 5 years; an increasingly nationalist world as the old ‘GloboHomo’ cabal (the progressive, globalist, state-finance power consensus) breaks down…
I find making annual predictions perhaps most difficult of all. I feel that I have a decent handle of what will happen next month (as much as anyone can in our fragmented and ever-shifting cultural environment, although I’m usually wrong) and I feel comfortable making predictions 5-10 years out, but that 3 month - 2 year window is what feels daunting. Nevertheless, I will try.
2025 predictions:
So far, it looks like it will be more of the same ill-advised, costly, greedy, taxpayer-funded, dunderheaded power grabs, saber-rattling, graft, corruption, and make-works programming that leaves us no better off than where we started.
Indeed, we’ve been down this road so many times before that there should be no surprise when, no matter who occupies the White House, we find ourselves subjected to more of the same when it comes to the erosion of civil liberties and the increasing power of the government and its corporate partners-in-crime.
Inflation will begin to increase in the United States in mid-2025. It will be addressed and trend downwards, but a recession will loom on the horizon. It will be deferred.
Deportations will occur, but fewer than 50,000 people will be forcefully ejected in 2025. Many more will leave of their own accord… or just not come in the first place. Blue cities will continue to devote huge budgetary outlays to housing, feeding, healing, judging, and punishing the new arrivals. This will become a never-ending thorn in the side of progressives, who still do not understand fiscal realities or policy trade-offs.
There will be a major personal/ethical/sexual/criminal scandal (involving mostly allegations) involving one of the 8-9 people who are in Trump’s inner circle or prominent among his cabinet picks. The accusations will go nowhere judicially but will divide voters and the media sphere along predictable lines.
A movement for academic and scientific rigor and honesty will emerge and quickly pick up steam. It will be resisted most zealously within Ivy League and other elite private institutions.
Netanyahu will finally lose the role of prime minister of Israel. A solidly rightwing figure will take his place with a considerable mandate to rule.
There will be a continuing (gradual) rollback of DEI… plus a complete failure to acknowledge the flaws and issues with DEI (like: it violates the Civil Rights Act).
There will be continuing and growing success for insurgent media and film and publishing, as the mainstream doubles down on its feminization and promotion of people without wisdom or life experience.
A hidden unemployment surge for DEI and non-profit professionals and a corresponding reduction in the value and appeal of associated degrees (ethnic studies, gender studies, sociology, etc.) will gather steam. Once universities begin shedding these departments (a process that has already begun) the incestuous undergraduate-academic pipeline for producing these comfortable and tenured ‘activists’ will finally begin to collapse.
A delicate maneuvering in the media and research sectors to acknowledge the harms and scientific weaknesses of gender ideology (especially as it relates to children) without actually admitting any error or ideological capture on their part will continue. It will cause a loss of credibility among credentialing organizations and research centers and professional associations. It seems that institutions would generally rather expire than rework their ideological assumptions. This kind of project seems completely beyond the psychological capabilities of our professional class.
The EU will experience a profound recession, straining the political ties of the Union and further emboldening the Right.
The continued schism of the educated cohort of ‘liberals’: woke versus anti-woke will grow. This is a dynamic barely hinted at in the mainstream media but it’s occurring all the same.
There will be a major scandal exposing the Mossad’s involvement in international criminal activity (like drugs or murder or sex trafficking).
Argentina’s economic indicators will trend upward, much to the dismay of statists around the world.
The adaptation of media and propaganda strategies by the ruling classes and their intelligence assets will increase in sophistication and subtlety. Expect to see operations sowing confusion in the heterodox space, generating spurious claims of ideological treason or criminal/sexual acts, and feeding fake conspiracy theories in order to discredit commentators and news analysts. There will be fake podcast appearances and unwitting co-option of heterodox figures (Peterson, Shawn Ryan, Rogan, etc.). I suspect that the NJ drone controversy might be an early indication of this sort of thing.
Class-action lawsuits will be allowed to proceed against pharmaceutical companies.
As more liberals (as
calls them, elite human capital owners) split from the Left and join the (moderate) conservative camp, expect to see a transformation and evolution of conservative thought, in foreign policy and education and federal agency priorities. There’s been more dynamism and movement on the Right than at any time since 1994. This will continue, although it’s anyone’s guess what might develop.The struggle between heterodox thinkers and the ‘disinformation control complex’ will continue and those fighting for institutional strangleholds on information flow will lose more power but become more naked in their ambitions. New issues (pandemics, environmental issues, legal crises) will be created in order to generate pretexts for speech suppression, and to reassure those whom the open discussions of federal corruption or foreign influence or gender studies or anti-white racism make nervous.
Government censorship of anything it classifies as disinformation. In the government’s ongoing assault on those who criticize the government—whether that criticism manifests itself in word, deed or thought—government and corporate censors claiming to protect us from dangerous, disinformation campaigns are, in fact, laying the groundwork now to preempt any “dangerous” ideas that might challenge the power elite’s stranglehold over our lives.
Europe will continue its slide into soft totalitarianism and there will be an insurgent ‘nativist’ movement in Great Britain and Germany and France and Italy. The aims of these movements will be conflated with racism and xenophobia and the unwillingness of the ruling elite to countenance any discussions of immigration as a driver of crime or poverty or a rise in sexual assaults, etc., will further discredit that elite.
Lesson: a people must be willing to fight for its own identity and safety or it will lose it, in our globalized and hungry world. Politeness and decency are features within groups… but not necessarily between groups. If one group maintains a population, representing 50% of its total, who are so concerned with politeness and compassion that they are unwilling to name and punish rapists and criminals, while the other group remains dedicated to mass migration and impunity and ideological subversion, the latter group will triumph every time. It’s simply not racist to care about your communities or children or institutions, even if you happen to be white and the other group is mostly brown. Conceptualizing people in terms of groups is fundamental to human nature. You can choose to ignore this but no one else will!
Similar to the last item, Europe (and Canada) will continue the increasing efforts of censorship of peaceful and legitimate opinions and activism. Any view that questions the benefits of uncontrolled immigration, or analyzes rising crime or two-tier policing, or interrogates the capture of government powers by ‘GloboHomo’ (a term which denotes an increasingly progressive and rigid academic and financial power, and its investment in social projects dedicated to eroding gender and sex distinctions and shielding children from tech-based social contagions and upholding traditional/religious notions around the world) will be suppressed, via penalties and warnings. Imprisonment in Ireland and Britain, fines and intelligence monitoring in Germany, debanking and academic censure in Canada… these things will continue. Once power expands and gets a taste for control only concerted and forceful action will succeed in beating it back - it will never recede on its own initiative.
Europe has an ever-increasing number of laws institutionalizing censorship and making it difficult to build anything innovative there.
-Mark Zuckerberg
The government of Haiti will collapse again. Several strongmen will consolidate control over much of the country and form a de facto bargaining group with outsiders, peacekeepers, and Western governments.
(Limited) investigations into lies and harmful, mistaken policies crafted by COVID-era public health experts and bureaucrats will begin being prosecuted. The investigations will be portrayed as politically motivated but the managerial elite won’t have the institutional power to protect their actors and proxies.
There will be a natural disaster in Asia or Africa which will cost > 30,000 lives.
There will be significant anti-AfD political violence in Germany.
Quantum computing will continue to be irrelevant and basically useless.
A Conservative government will take the helm in Canada (written during the first week of January…).
Hostilities will kick off between China and India along the LAC (in the Himalayas).
Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson will be ousted from office and investigated for criminal allegations.
A new nightmare drug will emerge and proliferate in American cities, entailing unique social and public health challenges.
The re-exposure of the British Grooming Gang scandal will cause a profound loss of power for the multicultural and progressive establishment in Great Britain and open up opportunities for political rebirth. It will lead to the kind of loss of media and institutional credibility which is underway in the United States. It was horrible and undeniably bad. No defense will be possible. The light in the kitchen is on… and the cockroaches are running for cover.
5-year predictions (projections for 2026-2030)
There will be a re-organization and a resurgence of the Cailfornia Republican Party, which is currently in shambles.
There will be a Chinese-backed coup or electoral crisis, involving serious civil unrest, in Taiwan.
There will be a coup attempt or a revolution in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Zelensky will no longer be the president of Ukraine.
The issue of voting security and ballot fraud will become the BIGGEST American political issue in 2026, 2027, 2028. Even when states aren’t openly corrupt (like Michigan) their overcounting of illegal immigrants (California) have expanded their electoral college votes. The Democratic party claims that they would NEVER want to enfranchise illegal immigrants… but basic political incentives say otherwise. THIS will be the hill that the Left must die on, and the primary issue of concern for reformist Republicans. In a sense all else hangs on this issue.
It will be a major disservice to America if nothing gets done in the next four years to getting to the truth of our corrupt election system and expending all possible effort and friendly lawfare to cripple the election engineering that is responsible for making up most of the “blue wall,” and thereby depriving any Republican nominee of perhaps more than 40% of all electoral college votes before the first ballot is even tabulated.
Hungary will experience the highest annual economic growth in Europe.
Mexico will see several high-profile figures’ (presidents, supreme court justices, intelligence chiefs) trials, related to narco-corruption. Mexico will continue its slide into full governmental penetration by the cartels.
There will be a serious foreign policy crisis/standoff involving North Korea… hopefully (probably) stopping short of full-scale war.
Japan will amend its constitution and builds its military.
There will be a major political corruption/media scandal involving the pharmaceutical industry.
The German church will experience a schism… and no one will care.
Physics will undergo the upheaval and ferment that the social sciences have needed for 40 years as novices question an unworkable orthodoxy and governments resist billion-dollar ‘research projects’.
American federal agencies will begin a radical drive to re-organize and democratize and better incorporate technology. I would like to see a drive to impose strict federalism (and devolve each function to its lowest/most local level possible) but I see bare chance of this. Nevertheless, look for a slight pruning and a drastic change in policy and administrative procedure, driven by technology and shifting organizational modes.
The first disastrous effects of demographic contraction will be seen in South Korea, Russia, and China: increased corruption, deflation and economic decline, growing cynicism, psychological disorder, and the development of pathologies in the few remaining young people.
The world will get a preview of its coming fate… unless attitudes towards mating and childbirth change dramatically.
Corporate wars will flare up in Africa, sponsored by Israel, China, Russia, France, and the United States. A shadowy world of mercenaries, special operators, resource extractors, and national governments will fight an equally shadowy ecology of criminals and terrorists and localists.
A FBI agent will be charged/investigated/publicized for entrapping (a) suspect(s) in a dangerous manner, in contravention of the public interest.
Syria will experience another revolution or a military coup.
Pope Francis will die… and be replaced by an African or Asian or Latin American pontiff.
Myanmar will effectively separate into two countries: the insurgent North (sponsored by India) and the official national government of the South (propped up by China). Opium production will grow in the Golden Triangle and China will increase fentanyl production to reduce profits for its proxy enemies.
The War in Ukraine will end with significant territorial gains by Russia. Intelligence campaigns and terrorism (of uncertain provenance) will continue. Ukraine will become a despotic nation, a kind of mini-Russia, propped up by the EU.
Georgia will become a Russian ally. In a sense Russia will have lost Ukraine (minus Crimea) and gained Georgia.
There will be a massive sex abuse case implicating U. S. public school teachers and administrators.
A militant, pro-Russian coup will occur in Armenia.
The Republicans will gain legislative ground in the 2026 midterms.
A(n unofficial) counter-EU will emerge, comprising Poland, Hungary, and Slovenia. In time France will join it, and perhaps Britain. These nations will push back against Brussels policy-making power and liberal immigration priorities. Poland and Hungary will see unusually high economic growth and unusually low crime, erecting case studies of success for policies of national sovereignty.
Crypto-currencies and AI will continue to gain market shares and influence in the United States. Both political parties will continue to try to use their money and power to advance their own agendas but the Republicans will see more success in this area (for the next 2 years).
Private and voucher schools will increasingly grow in popularity among the middle classes in the United States. The vicious cycle (of public schools becoming captive to ideological notions of education and discipline, which erode quality and make the schools a lucrative sinecure for administrators and union operators, which make the schools more ideological, which erodes quality…) will continue. Within 2-3 years even the legacy media will be confronting the failures, something that it has not adequately done until now.
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Those are very interesting predictions indeed. I'm sure WEF globalist fascists would manage to surprise us all again but still.
One question only - what do you base your predictions upon, just your analysis of current trends, or something more (from astrology to some insider information)?
Isn’t amazing that many of the same people who complain about misinformation on social media sites like X and Facebook also assert the ridiculous notion that a man can become a woman. Is any statement more a prime example of misinformation than that piece of nonsense?