Here's a perfect example of that, already evident in just the first two paragraphs of this "news" article.

More than 75,000 spectators gathered in Washington, D.C., to hear Vice President Kamala Harris' closing argument speech at the same site of former President Donald Trump's infamous "Save America" rally that preceded the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Harris' event at the Ellipse arrived one week before Election Day and followed Trump's closing arguments at Madison Square Garden on Sunday that received backlash for its inflammatory and racist rhetoric.


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The very thing! The media is the coyote who's run off a cliff though... the legs are still moving and his vision is still fixed ahead-but the drop is coming.

The media is behaving as if they have the kind of institutional power to change and shape the narrative. They no longer do. EVERY story like this and every fake controversy and offensive panelist remark drives consumers away, to their competitors. As people leave the only ones who stay tend to be the most committed, and the coverage gets shaped to suit their prejudices... pushing more people away, and so on.

It almost seems to me as if I'm watching this cycle progress on a daily basis by now! It's like seeing an addict selling appliances and begging old friends for "bus fare" and trying out ridiculous stories to explain garbled texts or missed appointments. The crash is coming. The fact that none of these educated professionals seem to see it is pretty incredible to me but I think they're just THAT ensconced in their strange little bubble.

Just like the addict, they've lost all self-awareness and connection to reality. The only differences is: when it's a person suffering from SUD it's pretty tragic. Watching these overpaid idiots gives me profound schadenfreude. Wake up you dolts! Or don't. LOL

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