Again, a little history lesson will show why this is the case. The totalitarian states of the last century, such as the USSR, were based on two seemingly contradictory ideas: that future society will be classless and non-violent; and that to achieve this goal, society in the present must employ the most extreme means of enforcement, including concentration camps and capital punishment. There is a logic at work here. To achieve utopia, human nature must be remade. And what is a better way to do so than by violence? When you severely punish non-violent “hate crimes” but let actual felons go free, it is because you believe that the latter are victims of racism or poverty, while the former possess a poisonous mindset that needs to be stamped out. I do not accuse progressives of hypocrisy. They are worse than hypocrites: they are true believers.

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Excellent. Well argued and on point. Worth the subscription cost.

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Thanks Garry… both for the subscription and the praise. It means a tremendous amount.

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